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Will you help us provide classrooms with "11 Days of Kindness" student activity card decks? Each deck is 11 cards per student, with one kindness action per day.

Purchase kindness card decks for your child, their classroom, grade level or entire school. Orders of 100 or more are discounted by 20%. 

--Donate here and we'll ship the decks to schools in our Pay it Forward 9/11 network. Want more information? Email us at


After the 9/11 tragedy in 2001, our world was reminded just how simple it was to show kindness to each other. It also taught us that kindness can change lives and bring unity to a brokenhearted world.

Kids today didn’t experience the September 11th attacks, nor were they able to witness the power of kindness and unity in the weeks and months after 9/11. To spread our mission of honoring the heroes and the lives lost, we started Pay it Forward 9/11 in 2002. We all said we would "never forget."

To educate the younger generations, we designed an 11-day program for kids as a companion to our 11 Days of Kindness and Unity movement (Sept 1st-11th). Teachers provide each student with a new kindness assignment for each of the "11 days of kindness."  Each of the 11 cards provides a pay it forward action for each day; the reverse of the card explains "Why it's good for you" (giver) and "Why it's good for them" (recipient).

Our vision behind these cards is to kids see that they can be a catalyst of change. By doing simple act of kindness, they will launch a ripple of ongoing good in the world with the “pay-it-forward effect.”  


Each card is designed by the Small Changes | Big Shifts Foundation not only to help kids grow up in a kinder world, but also to educate them how being kind impacts their physical and mental health. We believe both social and emotional learning is important to teach kids why kindness is important to their well-being and that of others.



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